Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 32: Gymboree Part 2 & Tutu party

For the first time at Monday's playgroup, the babies actually used the toys that were in the nursery. Yes, that is Riley walking at 7 months (that is how she stays so lean compared to Sophia).

I can't believe Sophia is learning how to drive already!

With all the pictures that we take, the babies have learned to be attentive for the camera. .Sophia always has something in her mouth these days.

More new toys - this time they are standing.

I let Sophia stand at her table at home (for about 3 seconds). Oops, I have learned you can't turn your back even when she is secured in her seat. There she goes pulling over the stool.

Yeah, Randie came out on Tuesday because she was off work and we sure loaded her up with activities- first was Mother goose at the library where we sing, read and dance (for FREE!)...

....Then we went to Gymboree

With the exception of this furry blanket, nothing was making Sophia happy that day at Gymboree.

That is, until her favorite thing came out to play - you guessed it, Jimbo the clown!

A day with the babies would not be complete, without a photo shoot. This time we added tutus. After we changed our minds a few hundred times, we all ended up at the park with the crankiest babies in all the land. It was a real scene, but our resident photographer Casey manged to get some really good photos. These are some of my pics.

Just when the babies were getting ready to fizzle out, we brought them to the swings and they were happy again. Look at Sophia next to Riley (the walker)!

Sophie on the move! She is so fast walking around her activity center that sometimes she drags the entire thing across the floor.

Playgroup was at Ali's house this week and we tried to be creative with our picture taking and get all the babies in a circle and looking up at the camera. They didn't quite cooperate.

Is that a camera? ooh, let me pose for a picture. Sophie, you are such a ham.

Not so happy Sophie. See she doesn't smile ALL the time.
This is how I found her after a nap. She managed to get one arm out of her shirt.

Happy again! She loves to kick that little ball around. I think we have a future soccer player on our hands.

This is a reenactment of Kindermusik this week when we played riding in the "buggy" - who knew laundry baskets were so much fun!

Sophie loved her first taste of green beans! This week she started stage 2 fruits and veggies, which are a little thicker and bigger than the stage 1. She eats 3 servings a day already plus 2 servings of rice cereal.

Cute pictures of Sophie with her cell phone and her fall clothes. Yes Johanna, that is a poncho my child is wearing!

Off to church on Sunday.. We had to cancel our apple picking plans due to the weather, but we had a peaceful day at home. This was the 2nd anniversary of Grammy's passing on 10/5- Miss you and love you Mom Randy!

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