Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Month 18: Wow, 1 1/2 years old!

This was a big month for Sophie turning 18 months old. We had her doctor's appointment and she is still in the 75th percentile for weight (25.8 lbs) and height (31 3/4 inches -- hmm, she shrank from her last appt--- where they actually incorrectly measured her).

Soph is such a toddler now and has new words every day. This month she learned: blueberry, Elmo, water (wah wah), baby (bebe), avocado, beep beep, oh no, night night, fishy, cracker, glasses, hat and book. She amazes me every day with alll the things she is learning to do. She can pick the correct fruit from her shopping basket when I ask her to bring it to me. She seems to understand so much more now. She is also running and jumping and full of energy. So of course, I am exhausted, but have found lots of ways to entertain her this summer. Check out the highlights below..

Family and Friends time:

Great Grandma Penny (GGP) came to visit for a few days after staying with Nick's cousin Rebecca. Thanks for the Little People Happy Home - Sophia loves to play with it!

We spent a nice morning at the beach with GGP, where Soph loves to play in the water and on the little jungle gym in the back. She likes to drink out of real water bottles now.

Nick had some time off so we went to the mall where Sophia is now very comfortable playing in the germ pit (public play area) and can go on the slide all by herself. We also spent a VERY HOT afternoon at the zoo and got the VIP treatment from Nick's niece who works there. See GGP on the carousel looking very amused in the 95 degree weather.

Chuck came over for a visit and then we had a BBQ with GGP and family. Nick made a new fabs potato salad without mayo that will be his new signature dish for BBQs.

We went to a few concerts in the park this year and had fun during the children's program and listening to the bands. Soph loves to dance to the music.

We brought Sophia to her first baseball game. It was too bad that it was 95 degrees outside and our seats were in the sun. We made the most of it and spent some time in the gift shop and walking around. I think Soph may be a cheerleader for Halloween since she loved playing with these pom poms.

Our friends Erin, Scott and Jack came for an overnight visit. Soph loved having a new buddy in the house. Thanks for the Little People bus!

Udette and George also came for an overnight visit. We went to the concert in the park and then Soph and I went into the city for a day of play with Kerrie and had lunch with Udette and Krissy. Thanks for the visit Udette - Soph loves her new clothes!

Chris, Lina and Bella came over for sushi one night. Bella is one year older than Soph - it was fun to see what Sophia will be like a year from now. From what I can tell, she will entertain herself more and eat less.

Uncle Pete was visiting this month all the way from China. We spent the afternoon all together at Great Grandma Nell's house. Soph's second cousins are 31/2 and 7 months. It was fun watching them all interact.

Grandma was over for a visit too and played outside. Soph's new favorite food is raisins, only organic of course.

Summer Playgroups:

The gang spent a lot of time at Mother Goose this summer. And we got a chance to see Will one more time before he moved to Boston.

Sophia learned to blow bubbles at a 2nd birthday party playgroup - ok, she mainly ate them and spilled them on the floor.

The aquarium was lots more fun at this age now that they can run around and appreciate the animals up close. Watch out for that monster turtle!

We spent a few rainy days at the mall on the rides. Sophia was a little territorial regarding her space ship. She certainly has no problem sticking up for herself. This month she also pushed an older boy out of the way because he was taking too long to go down the slide at the mall.

We had lots of adventures at different parks around town. Yes, we did sneak into this one park before it opened (why would a park open at noon anyway??). Hopefully this is the last time the girls are seen behind bars.

Soph also had some fun on new toys at Shannon's house while the mommies discussed some business.

We had another trip to our favorite Children's Museum where Sophia got to make her own bubbles.

We went to a fair in town and Sophia got her first face painting, but on her arm. She rubbed it off about an hour later.
Soph rocked her 80s surfer girl outfit all summer at various beaches around town with her friends. She is so happy to see them now that she will give hugs and kisses and they actually are starting to play together now (not just side by side).

Here is Sophia puckering up for a big kiss!
Soph also made a new friend this summer, another Will. They had fun at the beach and at the mall (on the carosuel and train) on their first chaparoned date. he he.

Soph enjoyed playgroup at a real Kindergarden classroom. She had fun with Riley and Pike, playing in the kitchen and having a tea party.

Soph loves accessories. She is such a girl with her sunglasses.

I only booked one class this summer since we could spend so much time outside. This picture sums up her Sign and Sing class. Soph was a crazy girl running around everywhere. She did manage to pick up a few signs (more and food).

That is all for Soph's 18 months! Summer is ending fast and school is starting soon - Soph will be in a Mommy and Me Two's program. Many of her mommy friends are going back to work, but we will make an effort to see them any chance we can...