Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Month 21: "Kicking" off the season with Halloween

Sophia loves this time of year and the weather this month was so beautiful- we had many chances to continue to play outside. At 21 months, Soph's vocabulary is expanding everyday. She is talking in two word phrases now -- "it's Daddy" or "a ball." Here are some of her new words this month: bread, block, nice, bad, milk, marker, clock, wheel, oh boy, cookie, bath, pop, rocky, spoon, fork, please, raisins, nut, snack, pepper, phone, papa, kriseeen, Paul, sophie, kick.
Along with her kicking skills, Sophia has become really good at throwing balls, stacking blocks & towards the end of the month has become obsessed with cups. She continues to be a good eater, eating almost anything I give her. Here are some highlights from month 21:

Out and About with friends:

We took a trip to a farm this month. After seeing all the animals and playing in the mud, Soph needed a break and then was off to play on the tractor.

At the mall, Soph has become more at ease on the carousel. She will now hang on (for dear life) by herself.

Mother Goose at the library continues to be a big hit this fall and Soph gets a chance to hang out with friends afterwards.

Computers start early with these kids - they probably already know more than me!


Soph had a blast as a Yankees cheerleader and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. Go Yankees!

On Halloween Sophia wore her outdoor costume even though it was about 65 degrees. Oops, I forgot the face paint. She had fun trick or treating this year (even though I didn't let her eat any candy :)
Nick carved some incredible pumpkins this year after having spent two months setting up a pumpkin patch at church, unloading, moving and cleaning up. He is the pumpkin man!

Soph attended a 2nd birthday party for Kayla (only 50 more to go!). She had a blast at Gymboree.

The Children's museum is always fun. Soph and her friend Layla discovered that they can scoop water out with those boats. Soph was soaked from head to toe after this. Hence, the outfit change for "bike riding"

Another birthday party... I let Soph eat cake, see I am not so bad. Yes, it was organic and whole grain :)
Another thing we are a fan of this fall is Open Gym at the rec center. There is a huge gym where the kids can run around and lots of toys to play with.
Soph enjoys going to story time at the local bookstore. She runs around the store with this magnifying glass, but occasionally she pays attention to the story.

At home with family and friends:

Soph has been a pro at stacking her blocks!

Soph has decided to call my Dad "Papa," so that is how I will refer to him now. Papa came for a visit and we had fun playing at home.

Great Grandma Nell is in the medical center now, so we went to visit. Soph ran all around the place into people's rooms and everything. Luckily, everyone wanted to see her and she brought smiles to everyone's face, including my Grandma's.

Nick's aunt and cousins were in town visiting their sick Grandma. It was wonderful to get together with them. Thank you for the gifts for Sophia (she is much less scared of that monkey now)!

Paul came over for a tea party with Soph (and the men) while the moms got a chance to go to the spa. ahh, so relaxing.

My mom came over for a visit at the end of the month, so Nick and I could start our Christmas shopping early. Soph always has fun with her Grandma who let her play with her glasses.

Soph had a play date with Noa while her mom went to school. Layla also came over for a visit. The kids played a hilarious game of hide and seek.

Soph is getting into the holiday spirit. With Thanksgiving tomorrow, she is picking out the gifts she wants for Christmas. The conversations we have make me smile.

Somehow, somewhere, Sophie learned to kick..maybe from kicking me on the changing table??

Ok, I am sold. Our next class is gymnastics and then karate as soon as she is able to go..

I am writing this on Thanksgiving, so HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone! I am so thankful for all of the blessings in my life, especially my wonderful happy family and friends who bring me joy every day.