Monday, April 28, 2008

Week 10: Sleeping through the night

I tried swaddling Sophia again this week and she slept through the night for 7 hours! We had stopped swaddling her because she kicks out of it and didn't seem to like it. However, with the velcro Swaddleme she cannot escape and I think she actually loves it (it is a love hate relationship).

Here she is in the carrier, snug as a bug!

Sophia enjoying Daddy time Tuesday evening after waking up from a nap.

Kerrie, Ryan and Justin came to visit on Thursday. Ryan is getting ready to walk by himself. Look how big he is compared to Sophia!

We had our first "play"date this week at Casey's house in Newtown. Of course, the babies don't play too much at this age but the mommies all get to talk. I actually attended a Hypnobirthing childbirth class with Casey and then I saw her again at the Bethel Mommy Baby Group.

We lined all the babies on the couch and the twins were in their carriers. Sophia is enjoying playing next to Will.
On Saturday, we went to the Derby party at Jackie and Jim's house. Here is Sophia with Sonya's new baby. Both of them were crying, but the mommies were happy.

On Sunday, Aunt Krissy and Grandma Cathy came to visit. Nick cooked dinner for us and Sophia was on her best behavior with big smiles all day.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Week 9: Sleeping in crib

Some cute pictures of Sophia this week.

Sophia visited Daddy on Thursday for Bring your Daughter to work day. Nick enjoyed showing her off to everyone!

Sophia with her lovey and having fun staring at herself during Tummy time!

Grandma came over to babysit on Saturday so that Nick and I could go out to dinner. We were only gone 1 1/2 hrs, but soon found out that Sophia is no longer taking a bottle. She seems confused by the concept and cries and spits out the milk that happens to dribble into her mouth. We will keep trying to give her a bottle so that mommy can sometimes be away from the baby. We put Sophia in the crib in her own room tonight since she turned 2 months on Friday. She woke up a few times during the night, but generally we all slept better with Sophia in her own room.

Sunday was Nick's second cousin Amanda's birthday party and Sophia slept the entire time. Ann Marie made me a cheese-less pizza because I am testing a non-dairy diet. So far, we have noticed a big difference and Sophia is not nearly as fussy as she was last week.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Week 8: Swatting toys

Some cute pictures of Sophia this week. She reaches for objects now, but only grabs if put in her hand.

Pop-pop, Dorothy and Uncle Jonathan came to visit on Saturday night. We celebrated Pop-pop and Dorothy's belated birthdays. Nick was cooking steak but left the plastic on the bottom, so we ordered pizza!

Cousin Ann Marie and her daughter Amanda met Sophia for the first time today and brought her an Easter basket filled with washclothes folded up as butterflies and flowers and new party shoes!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Week 7: Venturing out and friends visit

Cute picture of Sophia in her party dress from Emily.

We took the stroller out this week because the weather was finally warm enough. Sophia loved strolling up and down the street and it is a great workout for me!

My favorite picture of Sophia having a ball in her activity gym.

Grandma came to visit on Saturday for her birthday.

Jackie and Jim came to visit on Sunday bringing delicious lasagna.

Sophia loves the airplane hold when she is fussy. Tiny tummy troubles?