Monday, July 28, 2008

Week 23: Starting solid food

Monday's playgroup was at Jen's house. The babies are really starting to interact, well sort of. They stare at each other at least. Sophia is sitting alone for about 10 seconds.

We started solids Monday night because she just seems hungry and on Sunday night she woke up 4 times. She really enjoyed the rice cereal and gobbled it up. She is still waking up at night though.

You have to view it sideways, but this is baby's first meal!

We went to the Tuesday night concert in the park with Amy (& family) and Ali.

Sophia wants to sit all the time now. So I prop her up on the boppy pillow or couch and she's happy.

On Wed we went to a music and dance program at the library for free. It was geared toward older kids, but Sophia enjoyed the scarf and listening to the songs. Afterwards, we went to the park and ate lunch.

She loves to sit!

Yummy.. rice cereal is actually the most bland food of all time, but Sophia doesn't know the difference. Today she sat in her big girl high chair to eat. Go yankees!

Almost touching the floor now..she loves to play with the musical buttons.

Friday's playgroup was at the mall. We all shopped and looked for sales. Ali swears this is a bandana, but we all thought it looked like underwear.

Then we met Nick at home around 5pm -- he gets home early now that he is working at the new job, and Sophia loves her evening Daddy time!

At Casey's house, Rylee snoozed while Riley told Sophia a funny secret.

On Sunday, we had Nick's former co-workers over for a BBQ. Lots of food and fun! Sophia wore her "I watch Star Wars with my Daddy" onesie.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Week 22: Falling asleep more peacefully

Sleeping like a baby...Sophia fell asleep briefly during tummy time. All that working out is making her tired.

Sophia is getting stronger at tripoding ..

and better at sitting upright with me gently holding her hand.

On Thursday we stayed in on a rainy day and had fun playing and working on napping in the crib. Although there was a rocky start in the morning with only a 30 min nap, that evening she fell asleep on her own with NO crying (with the Ocean's aquarium that she can kick on and off while swaddled) where there is usually at least 20 min of hysterics... now if I can just get rid of that middle of the night feeding...

Baby crunches on video!

On Friday we went to music and me for a demo. Sophia loved the music, dancing and playing with scarves. I think we found a new favorite activity!

Playgroup was at Janelle's house this week and all the babies are doing so well with tummy time now. Sophia witnessed an incident in this picture on the right of Will flirting with Sydney (I think she was a bit jealous).

She loves to stand now while I hold her up.

and is starting to move backwards (in this picture she started in the middle of the blanket).

On Sunday we went to our old church in Mamaroneck and Sophia had her first Children's moment with Pastor Jenny and enjoyed meeting everyone at coffee hour.

After church we went out for some good southern cooking with Sophia's godparents and our godson, and church friends. Paul is lending Sophia his walking toy and we promise to take good care of it, thanks!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Week 21: Growth spurt and Krissy's bday

On Monday, we went to playgroup at Melanie's house and Jen joined us with Andrew for the first time. She is a long time friend of my neighbor - small world.

Playing some more before bed...

On Tuesday we went to Ali's yoga class in Bethel. Sophia is catching up in size to Noa and Maddie who are the oldest in the group.

Tuesday night's concert in the park was a lot of fun. Leah, Melissa, Casey, Janelle, Yana and Amy are in the picture on the left. Some of the husbands were there as well. Corey and Ryan are on the right side. Nick was at his final happy hour at his job, trying to unwind after a hard last day. Life should get easier now when he starts his new job next week!

On Wed we walked in town and played at home. Lots of drool from the Sophie Boo. She likes staying on her tummy for longer periods of time now.

On Thursday we went to Randie's pool with Ali and Janelle and I used my big floppy hat to keep the sun off Sophia. She actually fell asleep in the water and I put her down in her car seat for a long nap while I got to keep swimming!

Someone has a beer belly! Is that Elton John?

Thursday evening we stopped by Nick's friend Lauren's office to visit and discuss taxes. We then went out to sushi and Sophia did great in the restaurant.

Friday's playgroup ended up at Starbucks since it was heat wave outside. Melissa and Jodi (with the twins) were there. Sophia had fun in the air conditioning. Then we went to the farmer's market and it was so hot all the babies got red. We had to get back to air conditioning and there happened to be wine tasting right next door. Ali and Layla entertained the twins, while the rest of us tasted some local wines.

Sophia enjoyed sitting in her activity center, which her Daddy put together that evening. She is still a little small to grab the toys, but soon she will playing with everything.

Friday evening Sophia seemed like she still was hungry so I tried to give her more milk from a sippy cup. She grabbed the cup and started drinking from it...Half of it ended up in her belly, but the rest was all over her.

She has actually been eating less frequently this week, every 3 hrs instead of 2. Everyone has been saying that she grew a lot last week, so perhaps this is a new phase.

Getting ready to go to Grandma's house on Saturday. Sophia has been doing mini crunches when she lays down as if trying to sit up.

Grandma had a new stuffed toy for Sophia

We celebrated Aunt Krissy's birthday over beef stew with dumplings and strawberry shortcake.
Happy birthday!

Chuck came over on Sunday to visit, bringing lots of fresh veggies from his garden. yummy!