Monday, September 22, 2008

Week 31: Turning around & Happy Bdays

Sophia got new fall shoes and immediately started eating them and then hid under the covers. We actually ended up returning the shoes because they were too big. While we were playing in her room, all of a sudden she was under the changing table. . she had scooted backwards. Then she started turning around -- kind of like crawling...

Monday was the equinox - yes, we do this every year and it is always so exciting...

The twins were being so attentive!

Tuesday was the first moother goose storytime/ music/ free fun at the library. Sophia had a blast with the musical instruments.

Having fun at home, with her big smile and rosy cheeks.

Sophie got a new fall jacket and it is oh so soft and cuddly, just like her!

Happy 7 months birthday! Her Daddy is home from work and we celebrate by playing tickle the baby's belly. Sophie is actually thining out a bit, maybe because of all that rolling and scooting..

This week Sophia became attached to a new favorite object, the remote to the massage chair. When I tried to take it away, she started crying...what an interesting phase. She did this all week - particulary with the egg rattle in music class. I learned I have to distract her first and then hide the object rather than just try to take it away.

What a Jonathan face (Nick's younger brother)..Sophie actually loved her new food this week, prunes. It looks like chocolate, but tastes nothing like it...

Off to playgroup on Friday at Casey's house. .

Ahh, the magic of keys...all the babies are looking at the camera for once!

This was Elisabeth's last playgroup before returning to work full time, but lucky Isabel gets to stay home with her Daddy for 3 months. Will he come to playgroup?

Sophia enjoys her bath much more now. She doesn't need her infant sling and can sit well in the tub, while I spot her because she still falls every so often.

My mom came over to visit and watch Sophia while Nick and I went out for his birthday. We had a very nice celebration dinner, even though our favorite restaurant has changed their menu to offer less fancy fare (becaue of the economy perhaps?)

By the end of the week, Sophia was eating with grace. I think I can actually feed her with clothes on now. Most of the time, she lets me put the spoon in her mouth without sticking both her hands in the food at the same time. Such progress. After I give her a spoonful of mush, she uses her spoon to help out.

Happy Birthday Nick! Sophie made her Daddy a picture at playgroup with her hand prints. She also gave him a collage photo mouse pad. We went out to dinner on Sunday to Corner Pub and at really fast because Sophie had not napped and was gabbing gabbing gabbing, and then meltdown!

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