Monday, August 25, 2008

Week 27: Happy 6 months & Second tooth

Today was the last day of yoga and Sophia threw a fit at the end of class. The only thing that calmed her was her chew toy - I felt inside her mouth and realized she had her second tooth!

Sophia practiced drinking from her sippy cup. She can hold the cup pretty well, but maybe not high enough...not sure how much she is actually drinking.

Sitting and rolling around in the crib is a lot more fun now that we put her bumpers on. After she banged her head twice and kept getting her leg stuck in the slats, we decided she is strong enough to move away from the bumper and not suffocate.

Yeah, Daddy is home to play before bedtime...

Happy 6 month birthday Sophie Boo! She is read to pounce on that cupcake. Actually, she put out the flame the first time with her hand.

What a happy girl.. this was before her 6 month doctor appointment.

and this was after her shot...she was a little grumpy for a few days this week.

We met Ana, Melanie, Melissa and Jodi in the park for lunch and playtime. The twins are enjoying each other's company.

On Tuesday night, after getting the ok from the doctor, Sophia had her first taste of veggies. One spoon was not enough, she needs at least two spoons.

Sophia takes after her mom ---More peas please! These bowls that Kerrie gave us are great - they suction right to the high chair so she can't throw them off. It was interesting to give her water out of a cup. It spilled all over her, but she loved it.

After dinner, Sophie gets to play with her Daddy who gets home at 5:30pm, yeah!

On Thursday, we went to the zoo. Ana, Jodi and maybe Janelle were going to go with me, but everyone cancelled. I decided to go anyway and it was great fun. We walked all around and the weather was beautiful. There was a special bird show that was only there through that weekend- Sophia tracked the birds flying back and forth over her head.

Friday's playgroup was at Emma's house. Sophia grabbed "the ball" from Leah and wouldn't give it back.

Nick brought me home flowers just because- how sweet!

John, Johanna and Paul came to visit on Saturday. Paul showed Sophia how to walk with his toy, but she just wanted to eat it. Johanna and I went to the spa while the three men and a baby played.

By the end of the week, Sophia was eating carrots as well.

Wow, this is messy!

On Sunday, we went to a labor day BBQ at Jen's house. Sophia had her first ride on a swing. The fun lasted about 30 seconds, but it was quite a ride.

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