Monday, August 4, 2008

Week 24: Rolling over to belly & First Tooth

Monday's playgroup was at Melanie's house. Sophia had "this much" fun.

Yoga at Ali's house was a bit of a circus with nine of us in the basement trying to contain the babies. Sophia had a meltdown halfway through but didnt want to nap of course. It was still a good time and we managed to get a workout in..

Sophie and Layla are relaxing outside on the grass after class.

Grandma Cathy came to the concert in the park on Tuesday after visiting for dinner. The band was really good and we enjoyed the lovely weather and company (Casey, Janelle, Melissa, Jodi and family were there).

On Wed, we had a great time visiting Shawn and Alex with Kerrie and Ryan. We went out to a delicious lunch and then walked in the park and got gourmet italian ices while the babies napped. Alex is 7 weeks now (Sophie is holding him steady on the couch) and such a smiley baby. Ryan is 1 yr 1 mo. and is eating real food (meatballs) and walking all over the place. I discovered Sophia has a tooth -- all that drool finally means something.

Nick examining the first tooth and playing supergirl when we got home.

Playtime is so entertaining for both of us- lots of squealing going on!

On Monday, Sophia had briefly rolled on to her belly from her back and then went right back. By the end of the week, she was fully on her belly in her crib and having trouble getting used to her new abilities. There was a lot of crying and waking up over the weekend, especially from me who is worried about her sleeping on her face, but supposedly it is ok once they are strong enough to get on their belly.

I hosted Friday's playgroup and the babies are really starting to notice each other and "play" together.

Layla and Will were telling secrets and then were surprised when they got caught. .

Peek-a-boo! Sophia keeps grabbing the sides of her activity mat and it closes up on her. She is ok because she can peek out the side.

On Sat, we went to an ice cream party and then to visit friends Chris and Bobbi-Jo. Chris makes a good meatball with lots of onions!

Off to visit Great Grandma Nell on Sunday for lunch - thanks for the delicious peaches. Sophia loves to wrap herself up in her blankey and play with her toes of course.

Surprise!! We were the mystery guests at Paul and Laurie's house on Sunday. Nick asked them if they wanted to make plans earlier in the week, but never confirmed...oops. Well, luckily they were home and we had fun catching up for a short visit anyway.

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