Monday, August 11, 2008

Week 25: Field Trip & Happy 6 yrs

Yummy.....this week Sophia started eating her second meal of the day, Oatmeal. She was not thrilled about washing it down with milk in a sippy cup. I have given up on a bottle and I am trying to go straight to the cup, hoping to be able to attend an Oct wedding without incident.

All ready to go out to our yoga class... What a happy girl!

We had yoga outside this week. Sophia made it through class after a nice nap in the car. Riley is crawling now, so Casey has to watch her like a hawk.

Leah is sitting all by herself and Sydney is happy happy. Jodi finally got a workout, she was actually the only one still in it at the end.

Sheri was able to meet up this week after taking off work for Taylor's 6 month shots.

Will, with a different lady every time we see him...first Riley and then Maddie.

Where are the babies? Not here! It was ladies night and we were feeling great. We wore make-up and jewelry- what a treat! No shots for me, I had to go home to feed Da Boo.

Sophia now smiles whenever I turn the camera on. Such a ham!

We stopped by Nick's office on Friday. Nice people, a lovely view and home by 5:30pm, what more can you ask for?

Our Friday playgroup had a field trip to the aquarium
We qualified for a group discount and use of the lunchroom, which worked out great.

Is that a seal and a jellyfish? No it's Sophia and Layla! We were much more amused by this than they were...

eww, what a scary albino crocodile.

We lost some of the moms half way through as we stopped to look at the seals.

Sophia loved the fish, but from the look on her face she did not like the huge scary turtle.

Sophia sticks her little tongue out, just like her Daddy.

Happy to be home with her Daddy..

Grandma came over to visit and babysit on Saturday, so that Nick and I could go out to Bernard's to celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary & 10 years together. We had a wonderful time. Thanks mom!

Nick gave me a beautiful garden ornament for our "iron" anniversary and I gave him one share of Hershey stock to celebrate the "candy" anniversary- - both of which represent 6 years.

We enjoyed the day and the most beautiful weather on our anniversary, sitting in the garden and walking in town. The next 6 years are sure to be even better than the first..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Such a nice way to catch up with a daughter and granddaughter - thx

especially like the videos !!!