Monday, July 28, 2008

Week 23: Starting solid food

Monday's playgroup was at Jen's house. The babies are really starting to interact, well sort of. They stare at each other at least. Sophia is sitting alone for about 10 seconds.

We started solids Monday night because she just seems hungry and on Sunday night she woke up 4 times. She really enjoyed the rice cereal and gobbled it up. She is still waking up at night though.

You have to view it sideways, but this is baby's first meal!

We went to the Tuesday night concert in the park with Amy (& family) and Ali.

Sophia wants to sit all the time now. So I prop her up on the boppy pillow or couch and she's happy.

On Wed we went to a music and dance program at the library for free. It was geared toward older kids, but Sophia enjoyed the scarf and listening to the songs. Afterwards, we went to the park and ate lunch.

She loves to sit!

Yummy.. rice cereal is actually the most bland food of all time, but Sophia doesn't know the difference. Today she sat in her big girl high chair to eat. Go yankees!

Almost touching the floor now..she loves to play with the musical buttons.

Friday's playgroup was at the mall. We all shopped and looked for sales. Ali swears this is a bandana, but we all thought it looked like underwear.

Then we met Nick at home around 5pm -- he gets home early now that he is working at the new job, and Sophia loves her evening Daddy time!

At Casey's house, Rylee snoozed while Riley told Sophia a funny secret.

On Sunday, we had Nick's former co-workers over for a BBQ. Lots of food and fun! Sophia wore her "I watch Star Wars with my Daddy" onesie.

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