Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 53: Happy 1st Birthday!

Got Milk? Sophia does. Since she is turning ONE, I am turning to whole milk. Luckily, she likes the taste of it and it should be an easy transition.

After a year of not taking a pacifier, this week Sophia has decided that this plastic key is now a good pacifier. She runs (scoots) all around the house with it in her mouth.

Happy 1st Birthday Sophia! She was up bright and early (around 5:45am these days) - ready to open presents. We let her open her Little People Birthday Party so that she could play with it all day. At One Years Old, Sophia is:
  • Standing alone for minutes at a time
  • Taking her first steps
  • Using everything as a walker around the house (chairs, boxes, whatever moves)
  • Pointing like crazy to things she wants
  • Playing appropriately with toys instead of just chewing on them
  • Taking her toys out and putting them away
  • Babbling all the time
  • Always dancing to her favorite tunes
  • Eating everything including all dairy and eggs now
  • Throwing everything off her highchair when she is done (early sign of tantrums to come)
  • Finally tolerating me brushing her teeth since I bought yummy toothpaste
  • Very social and loves other babies, kids and adults (as long as she has napped)
  • Taking two naps a day, but can be pushed to one in the middle of the day (I am not ready)
  • Calmed by the TV when nothing else works (especially if not feeling well)
  • Such a happy baby with a smile that brings me happiness everyday

The birthday balloons were intriguing and frightening at the same time.

Sophia wore her "Hurray, I'm One" Elmo shirt in the morning. Her hat stayed on for about 2 seconds, but she liked playing with it!

Sophia wore her birthday party dress one more time for (Ash) Wed playgroup.

Rylee was the first to arrive and was ready to party with her ashes.

Layla and Eliza came over as well and we had a small playgroup.

She loved hearing Grandpa's voice all the way from Colorado. The cell phone is very intriguing to her. She doesn't quite understand how the people fit in it.

I hung all of her cards up and she would point at them and say Oooh everytime she passed by.

Sophia enjoyed her first taste of pizza on her first birthday.

What is going on? Why do they keep trying to make me eat cake??

She enjoyed the pizza so much so that she had no room for cake. Oh well, that is more cake for mommy and daddy to eat.

Time for more presents. What a fun 1st birthday celebration, but it is not over...

On Friday, we hosted another playgroup for Sophia and Riley's birthdays.

It was a ton of fun and quite a change from our first playgroups when the babies would just lie on a blanket and not move.

We celebrated the babies first birthdays, as well as Ana's, who was turning 29 again. I made special avocado cupcakes with cauliflower cream cheese frosting. I know it sounds strange, but I liked them.

Sophia doesn't seem to like cake -- whether it is chocolate or vanilla... she would rather eat pizza or pasta.

Noa, Syd and Olivia enjoyed the cupcakes...or perhaps they just like to get dirty.

Pike is one of only 2 boys in our playgroup, but luckily he doesn't mind when the girls play dress up with him.

As the party was winding down, Sophia took a quick nap and then was back into the action. Her and Noa had fun playing tag. Sophia showed off her preferred method of moving this week -- the newly perfected butt scoot.
Sophia was very cute in her new Star Wars shirt, which she wore on the weekend, spending time with her Daddy. Unfortunately, most of the babies got sick (yes, again) following Fridays playgroup, but all seemed in good spirits for the most part.

Sophia is officially taking her First Steps (enough that we can get it on camera). It is so much fun to watch her walking. She gets happy about it too! What a great First Birthday...
This is my last post for awhile. I am going to make a book of the first year and then I will likely update every month or when something blog worthy happens. This has been the BEST year of my life and I had so much fun sharing it with everyone. I am sure it only gets better from here...stay tuned.


Randie and Corey Shaw said...

looked like a great week of celebrations. your blog has been so great...especially because I have missed quite a few friday's!!
looking foward to the entries.

Janelle said...

Finally read it! So sad...i will miss the "weekly sophia blog update"...kind of like the recap of our week :)