Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Month 13: Pointing and partying

I cannot believe a month has flown by and Sophia is 13 months. She is now:

  • walking when she feels up to it, but still prefers to crawl or do the butt scoot

  • eating everything in site, but LOVES pasta, bread and is addicted to crackers

  • throwing all her food off the high chair to indicate she is DONE

  • finally enjoying a cupcake when it is someone else's birthday and even wore a party hat

  • loving to stack cups, build and put things in containers and take them out

  • really enjoying reading books, particularly upside down

  • "speaking" lots of babble, but no words yet

  • pointing to things she wants -- refrigerator when she wants milk, toaster for toast and cupboard for of course her crackers

  • drinking only cow's milk and really likes it

  • always hanging her tongue out of her mouth

  • loving to play her favorite games- cozy baby, drumming and peek-a-boo (always a classic)

  • rolling a ball (sort of)

  • watching her Little People dvd almost every day (she points to the tv to request it)

Highlights from MONTH 13...

More First Birthday Parties:

We celebrated Rylee's First Birthday!

Sophia actually wore a party hat...

..and enjoyed her cupcake with Noa

unfortunately, Rylee did not enjoy hers.

Next we celebrated Leah's First Birthday!

Sophia had a great time with her friends and all the musical things to do. Nice theme mommy!

Next up was Will's birthday bash...

...where Sophia almost kept a bow in her hair for 5 seconds.

And then Pike, Olivia, Syd and Sophia ALL turned ONE on St. Patty's Day.
Olivia and Syd loved their cupcakes and hats.

...while Pike and Noa went to town on the chocolate cupcakes

Sophia enjoyed playing with new toys and stayed clean that day while mommy ate her cupcake for her.
Layla turned ONE and Sophia turned 13 months at the "newcomers" playgroup, but her party is still to come later this week.

Out and About:

Hanging out (her tongue) with Andrew at music class

Sophia picked out her birthday present from Jennifer & Rob at Toys R Us. Thank you, she had a blast ...

and loves her new remote control and musical tea set that she got to pick out herself

We decided to go hiking because the weather was getting warmer..unfortunately, we picked the coldest day of the week and I was a big complainer because the pack was heavy, so our walk was cut short and we actually ended up at a cafe.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day mommies and babies! We went to Mother Goose to celebrate

and then out to the pub where the babies made a big mess under the table

Sophia was doing great until....

a scary leprechaun showed up. She lost her mind and we had to leave the premises.

On a sunny afternoon we ventured to the playground. Sophia did not know what to do until we found this little piggy ride. She loved it!

At home:

Sophia decided to stack her sippy in cup and make it a cozy.

Sophia's favorite games (and Daddy's too) are still peek-a-boo and cozy baby in various forms

Sophia watching her favorite DVD.

She will stand and walk on her own, until she realizes what she is doing.

Sophia was using the force to get more crackers.

She also can sort of roll a ball now...

and do stretching exercises

She loves to play on the zebra toy and can now get on and off herself

What a great month we had..looking forward to some nice spring weather activities for our next posting.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

Glad to see Miss Sophia back in the blogosphere! :)