Monday, February 2, 2009

Week 50: Let the celebrations begin!

This is Sophia's serious face. She is thinking "Mom, please, enough with the camera already. I am almost ONE. I am a big girl now"

Sophia had her first yogurt this week since we are introducing dairy slowly. She loved it. The dairy didn't make her fussy at all. I think she will do just fine with whole milk in a few weeks.

Sophia will push anything she can find around the house so she can get around. Now that she figured out the high chair had wheels, she is off!

February is going to be one big month of celebrations with Sophia and her friends all turning ONE. To get ready for the big day we had our 2nd tutu photo shoot.

Sophia was all over the place, but we had fun playing dress up.

This week our Friday playgroup buddies worked on a yearbook for all the babies. Riley walked around drinking Sophia's sippy and Layla wore the goddess crown. I wrote these 25 Random Things about Sophia, which we ended up not including but I am posting it here for the record:

  1. My middle name is Randilyn in memory of my Grammy Randy who was sassy just like me.
  2. I am theatrical. I smile real big and cry real loud.

  3. I like the center stage. I think I want to be an actress when I grow up.

  4. I will also be good at karate because I like to kick my mommy on the changing table.
  5. I have pink cheeks everyday for no apparent reason.

  6. My favorite color is pink. Actually it is purple, but shhh… don’t tell my mom.

  7. My favorite food is sweet potatoes. I can eat them until I am literally orange in the face.

  8. I am good with my hands. I mastered the pincer grasp early, but my mom waited longer than anyone to give me cheerios.

  9. I have to have something in my hand 24x7. I don’t care if it is Molly dolly or a sock.

  10. I love playing with mommy all day, but seeing Daddy after he gets home from work makes me so happy.

  11. I said Dah-dah first. Now I can say Mah-mah (only when I am whining for something… usually food).

  12. I have learned how to make my parents smile by doing So Big, clapping, playing mushy face, or just by smiling and babbling at nothing in particular.

  13. I hate traffic. I will wake up immediately when we reach the BQE.

  14. I typically have no patience for crawling. I prefer to cruise on furniture.

  15. My favorite toy these days is my lion walker so I can motor even faster around the house.

  16. I am easily entertained. I can play with a spoon and a plastic lid for an hour.

  17. I like to throw things off my high chair and watch my mom pick them up over and over again. I also like to hide food behind me to save for later.

  18. I like when my mom sings Old MacDonald to me in the bath and we play with squirt toys. I still flinch when she dumps water over my head and then pretends it is fun.

  19. I don’t mind having my nails cut or having my temperature taken, but if you come near me and try to wipe my face, I will scream!

  20. I have not enjoyed the process of my 8 teeth appearing and I have made it known, usually late at night.

  21. My mom reads me “Goodnight Moon” before naps, but my favorite book is “Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb” because I like to drum!

  22. The first movie I watched after coming home from the hospital was Enter the Dragon. I watched it with Dad while Mom was in a coma.

  23. My favorite TV show is this one episode of Sesame Street because that is all that my mom has let me watch since she woke up from that coma. And Grey’s Anatomy once when mom and I were sick (and you think I didn’t remember).

  24. I have so many fond memories of my first year of playgroups- Gymbo the clown, lost in a corn maze, Ali’s yoga, tutus, Starbucks, The Mall, apples & pumpkins oh my, that scary white alligator at the aquarium, sledding, Meckauer park, and of course music demos galore.

  25. I know I will be friends with my fabulous playgroup buddies for a long time…even those that move away will always be BFF!
Noa is the first baby in our Friday playgroup to turn the BIG ONE. We celebrated at Amy's house with lots of treats and special eats.

We all decided to get the babies in their birthday suits for the special cake eating time of the party. Surprisingly, Sophia wanted nothing to do with eating cake and headed in the other direction. She really is a birthday princess -- she doesn't want to get dirty.

The boys, on the other hand, had no trouble digging in and enjoying that chocolate cake!

After all the babies got dressed again, Sophia gave the birthday girl a little ride in her cart.

Back at home after a long nap, Sophia is happy to run around the house and play some more.

My mom came over on Saturday and watched Sophia while Nick and I went out for a date night to celebrate Valentine's Day early. We like to go out either before or after so we avoid the crowds.

I wasn't kidding with #9 above. Sophia always has something in her hands, sometimes 2 things.

On Sunday we went to Jumpin Jakes for Tyler's 4th birthday party. As you can see here, he doesn't like when people sing to him. Sophia got into the action a little bit in the baby play area, but most things were too big for her. We have a lot to look forward to in the years ahead, but for now.. let's enjoy being ONE!

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