Monday, June 23, 2008

Week 18: Happy 4 months and first overnight trip

Grandpa Rich and Babbie stopped by to visit on their way to the airport Monday - thanks for making the long trip all this way to visit with Sophia on her special day!

After our family left, we stayed home and had a few friends over to play- Casey and Rylee, Jenn and Dean & Aiden and Melanie and Ryan. Look how happy Sophia is to see her friends!

Tuesday was the last Bethel mom's group meeting. We brought leftovers from the baptism party to the potluck lunch, but we still had a ton of food left to eat that week. Sophia was happy to play with her friends, even though she lost a shoe.

Happy 4 months to Sophia and 60 years to my Dad!
We celebrated at Aunt MaryAnn's pool and played on the surboard. Sophia had a bit of a melt down after getting out -- was it the scary duck or just too cold outside? We will have to go back on a warmer day and see.

On Thursday we stayed home and played and got ready for our trip to NJ the next day. Sophia is starting to like sitting in her chair!

On Friday, we stopped by Nick's office before heading to his friend Erin's house in NJ. That will be our last trip to his office in Briarcliff as he is leaving the company to go work at the FASB!

Here is Erin and Sophia during our first overnight visit. Sophia tried out Jack's jumparoo and the kids flirted a bit on the couch.

We have a Star Wars family! The adults watched Empire Strikes Back while the kids slept-- although Sophia must have wanted to watch the movie because it took her over an hour to fall asleep and she kept waking every few hrs. Sleep continues to be a challenge at home as well -- she stopped sleeping through the night and gets up at least once to eat now. If only she would take a bottle, I could "tank" her up before bed!

Thanks to Erin, Scott and Jack for having us over - we had a great time!

On our way home from NJ, we stopped at Squires for their famous burger.. I understand now why Nick goes there all the time!

Happy First birthday Ayden! Sophia flirted with 3-month old Michael at the birthday party, but he was playing hard to get and kept rolling away!

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