Monday, December 15, 2008

Week 43: Happy again. Christmas is coming!

It took us all a few days to recover from the stomach virus and a cold. It wasn't until Wed. that Sophia started smiling again and only briefly. We went to the doctor and she said that it was just a cold at this point, but still might be contagious until she really started acting normal again.

On Thursday, Sophia was back to her normal happy self finally. We went to the mall to try and get some last minute shopping in before a big snowstorm was coming.

On Friday, we took a snow day and just played inside. It is so nice to see Sophia feeling better. Having a sick child is so horrible. Earlier this week she would just curl up in my lap and moan. She didn't want to play or babble and barely ate. But she was back to her happy self now!

On Saturday the snow had stopped and we ventured to my aunt's house in NJ. My plan was for Sophia to nap on the way there, but there was a traffic jam and she woke right up and would not fall back asleep. So of course she was a bit cranky that afternoon, but we pushed through it with a few good distractions -- a REAL Christmas tree, snacks, a new Santa book from Grandma, a new toy "My first kitchen" from her great aunt, uncle and cousins and the number one distraction-- Daddy! At her fussiest moments, a walk with Daddy is all it takes to calm her down.
Ok, so her new kitchen should say ouch that frying pan is hot, be careful.

Christmas is coming and new toys are starting to take over the family room. Her "My First Block" set is another big hit. Thanks Udette and George.

Say Cheese. When is Santa coming? Sophia can't wait for the Christmas festivities to start next week.

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