Monday, December 8, 2008

Week 42: Sick again ?!?

Sophia had fun at mom's group (which would turn out to be our very last one ever hosted by the hospital)- walking with this little car.

I guess I should get used to this. You hear people say it -- Kids are always sick. If not now, then when they go to school. She just recooperated from an illness over thanksgiving and now she has a runny nose and slight fever. The doctor said it was just a cold and 24 hrs after the fever breaks she wouldn't be contagious. Luckily, her spirits were up and she was a happy camper.

My mom came to visit on Wed. and Sophia was getting braver using her walker but was still holding on.

Sophia has been sipping through her straw for a few weeks now, but now she can hold it on her own tucked in her lap.

Yeah, by Thurs Sophia was walking on her own with her walker. You go girl!

This one was just funny. .learning how to get down.

Friday's playgroup was at my house and what fun we had - we ate, we played, we even had a Riley sandwich. ..and then......we all got sick the next day with a stomach virus. Some moms got it and not the babies, some babies got it and not the mommies, and some escaped all together, while others got a double wammy of it. .and then we unknowingly passed it on to our families. I got "It" on Sat afternoon and Nick got it that night. On Sunday Sophia got sick and stopped smiling and I stopped taking pictures and started disinfecting everything in the house. So our weekend plans were canceled and my post is cut short. Wishing everyone good health this week!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I've been a little behind with reading the blogs. Sophia is so cute! We haven't seen you guys in forever. We miss you! Way to go with the walking Sophia!!