Monday, March 31, 2008

Week 6: Smiling

First real social smiles this week. Cute pictures of Sophia in her new dress from Grandma and an outfit from Lauren.

Sophia spent some time in her crib playing this week. She is still co-sleeping but we will be transitioning to the crib around 2 months.

Here is a picture of Sophia in her swing, given to her from her dear friend Udette. She loves staring at herself in the mirror - what a ham!

Sophia rolled over from her tummy on to her back by pushing off on her hands.

This weekend we went to Mamaroneck to visit our Godson Paul and give him his Easter basket. We went out to eat for the first time with Sophia to Applebee's. While she slept all through Church, she soon got hungry and I gave her a bottle in the restaurant. This may have been the last time she really took a bottle. We didn't know that she needs to "practice" every day to really understand how to eat from the bottle.