Monday, March 17, 2008

Week 4: Baby's First Easter

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Sophia celebrated with a little milk and a lot of love. She has that drunken sailor look here.

Daddy's Lucky Charm likes to box and bop Daddy on the chin.

Cute pictures of Sophia this week. She looks like a munchie-chi in this first picture.

On Friday, Shawn and Kerrie came to visit- bringing lunch and more gifts, thanks! Shawn is my friend from high school and Kerrie was my freshman roomate in college. Shawn is pregnant and due in June with a boy - yeah another potential boyfriend for Sophia is on the way!

I finally got my hair done Saturday and I feel like a real person again, well sort of. I feel like a mom now, so that is a new identity. I am loving every minute of it!

Saturday afternoon we went to visit Great Grandma Mary (Nonnie) at Aunt Mary Ann and Regina's. Sophia slept the entire time. She must have really needed a nap if Nonnie trying to eat her didn't wake her up!

Happy Easter! We brought Sophia to church today for the first time. We spent a good portion of the time nursing in the nursery, but it was good to see our friends, Kathy and Brian.

Sophia received lots of gifts for Easter. It was too much fun and she needed to snooze. Here she is with Grandma. Chuck and Aunt Krissy were also over for dinner.

"Baby's First Easter" outfit did not fit yet so we just held it up to her. She did look very cute in her purple dress from Ann Marie.

I ordered a new sling called Nojo, which is much better than the Peanut shell which I have yet to figure out how to use. She really likes snuggling up in there and being cozy.