Monday, November 17, 2008

Week 39: Home Sick, Cruisin & Finger Food

This has been a rough week. I felt so bad for Sophia being sick all week and ending up with an ear infection. She was very unhappy and cranky all the time. Although I did manage to get a few smiles on camera, we stayed home and rested most days.
Sophia didn't feel like eating her pureed food, but she still liked to eat cheerios and puffs. She practiced eating finger foods with banana chunks, blueberries and mixed veggies but didn't really eat them well until the end of the week.

On Wed we went to a gymboree music class to get out of the house for one day. Timing was bad, naps were scarce, voices were off key, Sophia was very serious.. and crankiness soon followed...
Unhappy during free play, until the end when I showed her Gymbo the clown and she finally laughed. So I had to buy her one as a Christmas present (stay tuned for more laughs on Christmas day).

On Thurs we went to get our holiday pictures taken at the mall. Sophia was very serious. I brought Gymbo the clown to try and make her laugh, but we only got about 5 shots.

Sophia is just starting to cruise the furniture. She can ever so slowly move from her activity table to the couch if it is within reaching distance and then she can side step just a little holding on to the couch.

Use the fork (force) Soph! And she did.
Great Grandma Penny came to visit on Saturday and is staying a few days before going to Nick's cousin's house for thanksgiving. Sophia was so happy to see her and spend time playing..

...and finally eating. Grandma Penny has the airplane feeding trick down and a new one I have not heard of before called "make a cave." This helped me tremendously as I have been struggling all week to get Sophia to eat.

Sophia actually eating her veggies rather than just playing with them. Yes, we have been calling her Pooper. She lived up to the name actually right after this video when there was a little "message" in the crib.

SO BIG! Great Grandma Penny was doing So Big with Sophia and she started to imitate it.

I think Sophia sensed something was not right in the world this week. Her Great Grandma Mary (Nonnie) who has been sick for some time passed away Saturday night after a stroke the week prior. Pop pop stopped by on his way to visit with his family during this sad time. We will miss you Non. Rest in peace,


Janelle said...

Hope she is finally feeling better!! And sorry about Nonnie :( We send our sympathy. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving...see you next week!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Nick's grandma. Sophie is as cute as ever. Don't worry, we call Ryan pooper, stinker, stinker tush, etc :) Have a great Thanksgiving!

Randie and Corey Shaw said...

Sorry to hear about Sophia's great gradma and glad Sophia is finally feeling better.