Monday, January 5, 2009

Week 46: Miss Curiosity

Miss Curiosity is using her walker to get around the house and break-in to everything.

Sophia had fun with her new bowling game and...

she also found a new game on her own -- it is called pull out all the clothes out of the hamper and tip it over. Now if she could only fold the laundry we would be all set.

Sophia was always interested in feeding herself with the spoon, but she gave up early on and decided she would get more food if I fed her. Now she seems interested again and with less mess.

Happy First Birthday Ryan! Sophia went to her first First Birthday party on Tuesday. Her friends Rylee and Layla were there. She had fun playing and eating new foods - spinach and potato bites.

The telephone is such a classic toy that never goes out of style even though NO ONE has a rotary phone anymore. Sophia likes to mix it up a little and play with it upside down.

And here she is trying to break in to the bad (chemicals) cabinet. Good thing we started child proofing months ago.
Sophia has a new trick. She can take off her sweat shirt over her head. ..if she could only figure out that all she has to do is take her arms out.

Uh oh. Sophia got trapped under the stool and she couldn't get out..

Yummy. Sophia had her first taste of mac and chreese (that's right it is a vegan cheese substitute) and LOVED it. We are waiting to start dairy, but she is getting ready in theory for her first pizza party next month.

We went to Casey's house (late of course) on Friday for playgroup. Riley has a fun little house that Sophia enjoyed playing with.

Sophia finally found the courage to get on her new zebra rocker that she got for Christmas!

On Sunday we went to the acquarium. It was interesting trying to keep Sophia happy after skipping her afternoon nap, but she made it and we had a nice time catching up with old friends.

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